Thursday, May 17, 2012

Garden Updates and Homemade Pizza!

Our balcony garden is looking pretty good, just a month after we started! There are no peppers yet... I think those will take a while. Basil is growing fast, which we used on tonight's pizza. The flowers are growing so fast and obviously loving the sunny balcony. I never thought I would like gardening, and I am so surprised I've been able to keep plants alive for this long!

Basil and peppers:

 Flower box:

Don't you love these chimes? {Pier One}

Strawberry Margaritas...

And homemade pizza! Let me just say... I am so lucky. Chris makes awesome pizza. I prefer this pizza any day over delivery. Plus, we know what's in it and I'm sure it's a lot healthier than the fast food stuff.

I'm loving this warm weather and everything that comes with it!

1 comment :

  1. whoever made that pizza is amazing, you are so very lucky.


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