Friday, January 11, 2013

High Five for Friday!

Happy Friday, friends!
Like always, I couldn't be more excited for the weekend. We don't really have anything planned, but are thinking about taking a ski trip in a couple weeks for our "anniversary" and my belated birthday. So I will hopefully be planning that out and seeing what we can do with a short amount of time and small amount of money.

We had a nice, impromptu dinner the other night made with ingredients we already had! We're trying to cook healthier meals at home instead of going out to eat and I'd say we're doing a pretty good job. Dani and Leigh have inspired me to at least try this month. If you haven't already, check our their January Budget Challenge. I'm so proud of my friends!
Chris and I went out to eat once (last night) at Noodles, but the dinner for both of us was $12 and I had enough leftovers for tomorrow's lunch. I consider that a pretty good deal.
The other night's dinner- gnocchi with turkey sausage and spinach (both left over from the Stuffed Shell recipe!)

This week was all new tv shows which make me so happy! I might have a TV problem but there are just so many shows that I love. I probably could do something better with my time, like work on this blog or *gasp* read a book, but lately all I feel like doing is plopping down on the couch and watching Revenge, The Bachelor, Pretty Little Liars, Parenthood, Private Practice, Nashville, Grey's, and various other shows Chris and I watch together. I do try and roll onto the floor and do crunches whenever I remember, though. That counts, right? Eh?

That brings me to my next bit of excitement. Somehow, just somehow, I am back to my high school weight. I have no idea how this happened. Maybe it has something to do with the week long stomach illness I had a couple weeks ago. In all reality, I've been eating Lean Cuisines for lunch every day now that I started my new job. At my old job we would order out all the time which cost me a lot of money and probably a few pounds. At first I thought my scale was broken but today when I buttoned up a pair of pants I hadn't worn in a few weeks and had to wear a belt and use a tighter notch I'd never used, I realized that maybe it wasn't just a dream. To be honest, I really don't feel healthy. I haven't worked out much and am having trouble sleeping. I've also been eating way too many sweets. This is definitely something I need to focus on more, but the weight thing is a good start to make me feel better mentally.

Speaking of sweets, have you checked out my Cheerio Treats recipe? Get ready to be amazed at how easy it is. There goes my weight..... right back up ;)
So, what are everyone's plans this weekend? I hope it's tons of fun!

Linking up w/ Lauren!


  1. I seriously need to start creating a budget. I'll be doing that soon. Though I love new TV shows, but a lot of the time I just wait until they go on netflix so I don't have to wait between episodes.
    xo, Maria

  2. I literally watch almost all those exact shows! There's so much good tv on right now--leaves me with no time for cleaning the house or anything else. ha!

  3. Hello Alyssa! I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Come check out my post that features you!

  4. Found ya on the link up! Um those cherrio treats look UH-Mazing!!!

  5. This post made me hungry.

  6. I love friday because it means here comes the weekend! :)

  7. I totally get your TV problem. I think I have it too :)
    Glad to find you through H54F!

  8. Congrats on the high school weight...but not so much on the way you got sickness! And on my gosh, that gnocci looks SO YUMMY!! Get in my belly...even though I kind of just ate... ;)


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