Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankful Thursday

I realize I spend a lot of time complaining, being anxious, and worrying about things in my life.
This is okay sometimes, everyone does it and I'm human.
I'm plenty thankful for everything in my life, but I don't consciously think about this or write about it too much.
Enter Sarah Grace's link-up. I love her positive outlook and couldn't resist joining in this week!


I'm thankful for...
waking up this morning
my warm cheetah pajamas (I must have mentioned these a thousand times this week. obsessed.)
being able to turn on heat when it was 66 degrees in the house on this chilly morning
taking a week off between jobs and being able to afford to do so
having an amazing new job to start next week
my career, license, and education
my incredible boyfriend, who never ceases to amaze me with his kindness
my loving family, and a great lunch with my dad yesterday
Starbucks K-cups and pumpkin spice creamer. incredible combination.
our new, spacious, quiet apartment
that Channing Tatum was named Sexiest Man Alive. Good call, "Agreed", said every woman ever.


  1. love lunch dates with my dad! congrats on the new job!

  2. no shame in being obsessed with your pajama pants...i can't wait to get home and change into mine! :) and pumpkin spice creamer is the best...i am so glad to have that goodness in my life!

    so glad you linked up today friend! :)

  3. Hooray for pjs, coffee, and finally a quiet apartment. Yay!

  4. I was secretly jumping up and down that he was named Sexiest Man Alive! Best. Choice. Ever.

    Oh - and new pj obsession for me....VS Sleep shirts. OMG. We've been missing out. :)

  5. Uh, yes...Channing...he is def on my list of things to be thankful for!! SMOKIN'

  6. Yay for a new a job and a new quiet apartment!

    I'm thankful for being able to spend today tucked up in bed making new blog friends and strengthen old bloggy friendships!

  7. love this list!! enjoy this next week off of work! (or was it this last week?)


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